According to Bank of America's latest figures released
on Friday, investors have moved $538 billion into cash
funds over the past eight weeks, withdrawing their
money from bank deposits following the collapse of
Silicon Valley Bank. BofA's analysts said the catalyst
for the big move into cash had been $500 billion in
outflows from commercial bank deposits over the
past five weeks. This has caused concern about the
safety of U.S. bank deposits, leading investors to seek
out alternatives such as money market funds (MMFs).
Money market funds are seen as effectively
equivalent to cash because they invest in highly liquid
short-term debt products. Central bank interest hikes
have pushed up the yields on short-dated debt and
MMFs, making them more attractive to investors. This
has created a nice yield environment, according to
Stephen Brewer, head of liquidity sales at Pictet Asset
Management. Additionally, investors have also put
huge sums of money into government bonds, partly
due to their safety and partly because they think
central banks will not be able to raise interest rates
as high as previously expected.
BofA said that $65 billion has flowed into Treasury
funds this year, making it the best start to a year ever
recorded. The bank also said that $2.3 billion flowed
into bonds in the week to Wednesday, marking a third
straight week of inflows. However, there are signs
that investor confidence is returning, as $3.9 billion
flowed into stocks in the same week, and $500
million went into gold funds.
Although the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and
Signature Bank sent shockwaves through markets in
mid-March, many investors now believe that the
banking problems have been contained. Despite this,
the large move into cash funds continues, with
investors seeking diversification, capital
preservation, and liquidity benefits.
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