The Rise and Fall of Elon Musk's Twitter Venture: A Costly Lesson for Equity Partners.

The Rise and Fall of Elon Musk's Twitter Venture: A Costly Lesson for Equity Partners.


Elon Musk, renowned for his entrepreneurial ventures, embarked on an ambitious journey to acquire Twitter, rallying an impressive lineup of technology superstars and prestigious investors. However, recent filings reveal a bleak outlook for Musk's Twitter investment, leaving equity partners questioning their decision to join forces with the visionary entrepreneur. Let's delve into the details of this ill-fated deal and explore the significant losses incurred by the investors.

Elon Musk's Grand Gamble:

In a bid to acquire Twitter, Elon Musk orchestrated a funding campaign that resulted in a total investment of $7.1 billion from 19 esteemed partners. Musk, undeterred by the hefty price tag of $44 billion, also secured an additional $13 billion in borrowing from renowned financial institutions such as Morgan Stanley and Mitsubishi. This financial arrangement pushed the equity portion of the transaction beyond $30 billion, with Musk himself contributing a substantial $24 billion. Consequently, the equity partners collectively held a stake of just under 25% in the newly privatized Twitter enterprise.

An Unraveling Reality:

With Twitter's transition to a private enterprise, the once-public financial records became inaccessible. However, concerns about the venture's performance were already circulating among investors and external observers. The recent filings from Fidelity's Contrafund shed light on the actual state of affairs. While Contrafund holds only a fraction of Twitter shares, it provides monthly market valuations, offering a glimpse into the ongoing downward spiral of Twitter's value.

Contrafund's Distressing Numbers:

In November, Contrafund's valuation of Twitter shares plummeted by a staggering 56%, reducing the worth to $23.5 million. This distressing trend continued in March, with an additional devaluation of 7.5%, leaving the shares valued at $19.5 million. The most recent disclosure on May 28 revealed a further 3.5% decrease, resulting in an estimated valuation of $17.65 million. Overall, this seven-month period witnessed a drastic 67% decline, leaving Twitter's estimated worth at only one-third of the initial $44 billion purchase price, equivalent to $14.5 billion.

Implications for Equity Partners:

Applying the same valuation percentage to the equity partners' $7.1 billion investment, their stake is now worth a mere $2.34 billion. This signifies a monumental loss of nearly $5 billion for the group. The individual implications for investors such as Larry Ellison, Sequoia, and Andreessen Horowitz Capital Fund are outlined in the full article, but the overall conclusion is clear: being a friend of Elon Musk did not yield the anticipated benefits in this ill-fated Twitter deal.

A Cautionary Tale:

The downfall of Elon Musk's Twitter venture serves as a poignant reminder of the inherent risks involved in high-stakes investments. Despite Musk's reputation as a masterful salesman and visionary entrepreneur, the allure of joining forces with such an influential figure did not shield the equity partners from the harsh reality of a failing venture. This cautionary tale emphasizes the importance of meticulous due diligence, comprehensive risk assessment, and independent decision-making, regardless of the involved personalities or iconic status.


Elon Musk's grand endeavor to acquire Twitter has proven to be an arduous and costly undertaking. As the financial numbers continue to worsen, equity partners find themselves grappling with significant losses. This cautionary tale highlights the necessity for investors to assess investments based on their own merits rather than being swayed solely by the reputation or charisma of an individual. In the realm of high-stakes business, even the most renowned names can stumble, teaching us valuable lessons about the perils of chasing seemingly attractive opportunities without careful scrutiny.