The Evolution of US Trade Relations: From Instability to Growth.

The Evolution of US Trade Relations: From Instability to Growth.


In recent years, US trade relations have undergone significant transformations, recovering from instability caused by geopolitical tensions and the disruptive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This blog post delves into the changing landscape of US trade, highlighting the record-breaking exports, imports, and the crucial relationship between the United States and China. By analyzing the provided information, we gain insights into the factors that shaped these developments and the importance of maintaining a balanced approach to global trade.

Rebounding Exports and Imports:

After a period of volatility, US exports experienced a remarkable rebound, surpassing the record high set in 2014. In 2022, the United States exported goods and services to a record number of 39 countries, with Canada, Mexico, China, Japan, and the United Kingdom emerging as the primary destinations. This growth in exports played a significant role in revitalizing the US economy. Simultaneously, the country's imports reached an all-time high of $4 trillion, with $3.3 trillion originating from goods. Notably, imports were sourced from every country, including those subject to sanctions, such as Russia, Afghanistan, and North Korea.

Key Import Commodities and Services:

Analyzing the latest data from the US Census Bureau, we find that crude oil, semiconductors, cars, and pharmaceutical preparations were among the most commonly imported goods in the United States. Additionally, services such as transportation, travel, insurance services, and intellectual property use played a vital role in meeting domestic demands. This comprehensive range of imports demonstrates the interconnectedness of the global economy and highlights the United States' reliance on diverse markets.

The US-China Trade Relationship:

The US-China trade relationship has been of utmost importance to both economies. The trade war initiated in 2018 during the Trump administration had adverse effects on American farmers and caused a decline in real income. Allegations of intellectual property theft led to the imposition of tariffs by both nations. Despite a change in administration, there has been no significant shift in policy, with the Phase One Agreement signed in January 2020 remaining relevant today.

The Council on Foreign Relations estimated that the trade war resulted in a decline of $1.4 billion per month in US real income. However, it is crucial to note that the trade ties between the US and China extend beyond the trade war. The two nations have developed substantial trade flows over the past two decades since China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. Decoupling from each other would have severe economic consequences, highlighting the intricate nature of their relationship.

Regional Trade Dependencies:

Certain US states have a strong reliance on trade with China. California and Texas, in particular, emerged as leading exporters, with significant goods worth $18 billion and $22 billion, respectively, being sent to China. California's exports to China include industrial machinery, navigational and measuring instruments, semiconductors, basic chemicals, and pharmaceuticals, while Texas predominantly exports oil and gas, basic chemicals, resins, synthetic fibers, and semiconductors.

When considering services, Illinois stood out as the leading exporter to China, with a value of $6.6 billion. The services exported by Illinois encompassed education, air freight and port services, royalties from industrial processes, miscellaneous financial services, and miscellaneous freight and port services. These figures demonstrate the diversified nature of trade relationships between US states and China.


The recent evolution of US trade relations signifies a recovery from instability, driven by improving exports and imports. Although the US-China trade war caused economic challenges, it is crucial to recognize the interdependence of both nations and the extensive trade flows developed over the years. Maintaining a balanced and cooperative approach to international trade is essential to ensuring sustained economic growth and mitigating potential disruptions. As the global economy continues to evolve, adapting to changing dynamics and nurturing strong trade relationships will remain pivotal for the United States and its partners worldwide.