The Twitter Debacle: DeSantis' Presidential Bid and Twitter's Struggles

The Twitter Debacle: DeSantis' Presidential Bid and Twitter's Struggles



In a highly anticipated event, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis made a significant announcement about his 2024 presidential bid in a live interview on Twitter. However, the social media platform suffered a series of technical failures, hampering the event's success. This blog post delves into the details of the incident, highlighting the challenges faced by Twitter and its owner, Elon Musk.

Twitter's Technical Glitches

During the interview, Twitter experienced multiple technical glitches, causing crashes and disruptions to the live audio feed known as Twitter Spaces. Many users were unable to tune in, and those who managed to join complained about garbled or echo-y sound. The issues were attributed to Twitter's infrastructure struggling to handle the high load of users.

The Melting Servers and Relaunched Spaces

Venture capital investor David Sacks, conducting the interview with Governor DeSantis, acknowledged the overwhelming number of participants, jokingly referring to the strain on Twitter's servers as a positive sign. After 21 minutes of confusion, Sacks was forced to terminate the Spaces session due to the technical issues and relaunch a new one from his personal Twitter account. Approximately 300,000 users attended the relaunched Twitter Space, where DeSantis promptly announced his presidential campaign.

Elon Musk's Perspective

Twitter owner Elon Musk viewed the incident as a victory, declaring that new Twitter account signups had "just gone ballistic." He described it as a massive attention-grabbing event and celebrated its prominence as the top story on Earth. However, critics blamed Musk's mismanagement of Twitter, particularly after his acquisition of the platform for $44 billion. Musk had initiated extensive layoffs, affecting over 80% of Twitter's workforce. This downsizing impacted the availability of skilled engineers with knowledge of the platform's older and more complex systems, leading to ongoing struggles with bug fixes.

Twitter's Staff Reduction and Challenges

Since Musk's acquisition of Twitter, the company has seen a significant reduction in its workforce. The layoffs have left Twitter with a diminished headcount, down to about 1,300 active employees from the initial 3,500 at the time of Musk's takeover. The loss of experienced engineers and limited resources have made it challenging for Twitter to find or rehire individuals capable of addressing the platform's numerous bugs. Spaces, in particular, seems to have suffered due to these changes.

The Impact on Twitter Spaces

Former Twitter employees revealed that Spaces, the audio chat feature on Twitter, was already plagued with issues before Musk's extensive layoffs. The product was built on the older Periscope infrastructure, as confirmed by Kayvon Beykpour, the former head of product at Twitter and Periscope's founder. While there was previously a team dedicated to resolving major issues, it remains unclear if such a team exists now and how many members are left on the Spaces team.


The closely-watched event featuring Governor Ron DeSantis' presidential bid revealed the challenges faced by Twitter. The technical failures during the live interview highlighted the strain on Twitter's infrastructure and its struggle to handle the high volume of users. Elon Musk's ownership and subsequent layoffs at Twitter have impacted the platform's ability to maintain and improve its services. As Twitter continues to navigate these challenges, it remains to be seen how the company will address the ongoing issues and restore stability to its platform, particularly concerning Twitter Spaces.