"Revolutionizing Search: Google's Latest AI-Powered Updates"

"Revolutionizing Search: Google's Latest AI-Powered Updates"


Google has recently announced updates to its search engine that will allow users to search by typing questions as complete sentences and receiving conversational replies generated by AI. This is a major breakthrough that Google is offering as a test for now, and it is positioning generative AI as the future of search.

With this new feature, users can search for specific queries such as "Good bike for 5-mile commute with hills," and receive a list of suggestions for bikes that would be suitable for commuting. Additionally, the generative AI page will offer potential follow-up questions to the user, complete with a conversation panel that links directly to bike retailer websites.

During a live demo, Bard (Google's AI chatbot) was able to answer a question about why whales like to sing. The app quickly provided potential reasons for why whales sing, along with images of whales and the ability to ask follow-up questions.

Google's move to incorporate generative AI into its search engine comes after Microsoft launched its own generative AI-powered search via its Bing platform in February. Microsoft's AI capabilities instantly put the company in the lead in the AI conversation, while Google was put in the hot seat. Google then launched its own Bard chatbot, but it received criticism about its accuracy.

Despite Microsoft's lead in AI, Google still controls 93% of the global market share in search, according to StatCounter. Microsoft's Bing, on the other hand, has roughly 3% of the market share. Microsoft's goal is not to steal the lead from Google, but rather to pull small portions of share away from Google. According to Microsoft, just 1% of the market share in search is worth $2 billion in revenue. This means that even a small portion of the pie is worth the investment for Microsoft.

Google's challenge now is to prove that it deserves to stay in the lead in the search engine market. With its latest generative AI-powered updates, Google is taking a significant step towards maintaining its position as the leader in search. The incorporation of AI into search engines is an exciting development that promises to revolutionize the way we search for information online. As SEO experts and blogging professionals, we should keep a close eye on these developments and adapt our strategies accordingly.