Meta's Layoffs Signal a Shift in Culture and Priorities: An Inside Look.

Meta's Layoffs Signal a Shift in Culture and Priorities: An Inside Look.


Meta (formerly known as Facebook) has recently concluded its latest round of layoffs, marking the final phase of a series of cuts initiated by CEO Mark Zuckerberg. These workforce reductions, which started in November 2022 and totaled 21,000 employees, have affected various areas of the company, including engineering, marketing, user experience, and even AI and machine learning teams. As a result, the atmosphere at Meta has become more tense and impersonal, according to several employees who spoke with Yahoo Finance. This blog post delves into the changes observed within Meta, shedding light on the evolving culture, short-term goals, and the impact of the restructuring efforts.

A Cultural Shift:

The departure of former COO Sheryl Sandberg in August marked the beginning of a cultural transformation at Meta, as noted by an anonymous laid-off employee. The employee mentioned a shift from long- and mid-term investments to a focus on short-term goals, resulting in a change in the company's overall culture. The employee further revealed that internal team communications grew more strained, with individuals becoming increasingly determined to demonstrate their value. "How do we increase daily active users? How do we enhance user engagement?" were the pressing questions at Meta, highlighting the shift in priorities and the heightened emphasis on immediate results.

"The Flattening":

With managers also impacted by the restructuring efforts, some employees coined the term "The Flattening" to describe the series of layoffs. The name alludes to M. Night Shyamalan's film "The Happening" and reflects Zuckerberg's assertion that Meta needs to streamline operations by reducing middle management. As the employee revealed, this round of layoffs exemplified Meta's ongoing transformation, causing a notable change in the employee experience. Instances such as managers refusing to conduct Zoom calls and opting for email communication instead highlighted a departure from the previous personal approach, ultimately leading some employees to question their association with the company.

Financial Rewards and Future Outlook:

Despite the internal tensions and personal concerns, Meta's cost-cutting endeavors have received favorable responses from Wall Street. The company's stock has surged over 110% this year, reflecting investor confidence in Meta's efficiency measures. The latest earnings report showcased Meta's success in slashing $10 billion from its expense guidance for 2023. The company not only reduced staff-related costs but also streamlined its real estate portfolio. Zuckerberg, during the earnings call, emphasized that these efficiency initiatives aim to strengthen Meta as a technology company, enhance product development speed, and improve financial performance, enabling the company to execute its long-term vision effectively.


Meta's recent layoffs and cultural shift have had a significant impact on the company and its employees. The transition from a long-term approach to short-term goals has altered the work environment, with an increased focus on demonstrating immediate value and achieving specific metrics. Employees have witnessed a decline in personal interactions and a more impersonal communication style. Despite the internal turbulence, Meta's cost-cutting measures have been well-received by investors, resulting in a substantial rise in the company's stock price. The efficiency initiatives undertaken by Meta aim to strengthen the company's position as a technology leader, improve financial performance, and accelerate the development of innovative products.