Assessing the Impact of AMLO's Government Policies on Mexico's Investment Climate.

Assessing the Impact of AMLO's Government Policies on Mexico's Investment Climate.


Mexico has experienced a significant stock rally over the past three years, attracting investors who sought a safe haven and the potential for high returns. However, concerns have emerged regarding President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's (AMLO) involvement in the private sector, which has started to dent Mexico's appeal as an investment destination. This blog post examines the recent developments, including the government seizure of a private rail line and the scuttling of a major M&A deal, and analyzes their impact on Mexico's investment climate.

Trimmed Bets and Expensive Valuations:

As Mexican stocks rallied, investment firms like Abrdn Plc and Brandes Investment Partners have reduced their positions due to concerns about the market's high valuation compared to regional peers. Mexican companies now trade at 12 times forward earnings, higher than Chile's IPSA and Brazil's Ibovespa. Eduardo Figueiredo of Abrdn highlighted the importance of taking profits but maintained significant exposure to Mexico.

Political Noise and Investor Sentiment:

The recent government seizure of a rail line owned by Grupo Mexico and the cancellation of Citigroup's Banamex sale have raised concerns among investors. These incidents highlight the risk of government interference, especially with presidential elections approaching next year. Investors fear potential erosion of the rule of law and the government's treatment of regulated industries. However, many investors, including Verena Wachnitz of T. Rowe Price, remain optimistic about Mexico's long-term prospects.

Factors Behind Mexico's Strong Equity Returns:

Mexico's strong equity returns in recent years can be attributed to the government's fiscal discipline during the pandemic and the country's central bank's proactive monetary tightening. These measures, coupled with the nearshoring trend and US companies moving supply chains closer to home, have supported Mexico's economic growth. Opportunities exist in the consumer and financial sectors, according to Wachnitz.

AMLO's Leadership Style and Investor Vigilance:

AMLO's leadership style has raised concerns about potential authoritarian tendencies and their impact on the rule of law and capital markets. While nearshoring is expected to continue, investors need to remain vigilant. Marco Priani of Vaughan Nelson emphasized the importance of monitoring AMLO's measures, as there are opposition and guardrails at political, social, and institutional levels to counterbalance any potential negative effects.


Mexico's appeal as a safe haven for investors has faced challenges due to AMLO's involvement in the private sector. Despite the recent incidents impacting investor confidence, Mexico still offers potential opportunities, particularly with the ongoing nearshoring trend. Valuations, though relatively higher than regional peers, have not reached excessive levels. However, it is crucial for investors to remain vigilant and closely monitor the government's policies and their impact on the rule of law and capital markets in Mexico.